Package rice.pastry.testing

Class Summary
ClosestRegrTest ClosestRegrTest A test suite for the getClosest algorithm.
DirectPastryPingTest DirectPastryPingTest A performance test suite for pastry.
DirectPastryRegrTest PastryRegrTest a regression test suite for pastry.
DistHelloWorld A hello world example for pastry.
DistPastryRegrTest a regression test suite for pastry with "distributed" nodes.
HelloWorld A hello world example for pastry.
HelloWorldApp A hello world example for pastry.
IdRangeUnit IdRangeUnit tests the IdRange class.
LeafSetTest This class tests the correctness of the leafset in Pastry.
MemoryTest The purpose of this test is to verify that FreePastry is properly shutting down, without having to destroy the JVM.
NodeIdUnit NodeIdUnit tests the NodeId class.
PartitionChecker Pass in a certificate which contains bootstrap nodes.
PastryNetworkTest Utility class for checking the consistency of an existing pastry network.
PastryRegrTest PastryRegrTest a regression test suite for pastry.
PastryTest Pastry test.
Ping Ping A performance test suite for pastry.
PingAddress PingAddress A performance test suite for pastry.
PingClient A very simple ping object.
PingMessageNew PingMessageNew A performance test suite for pastry.
PingTestRecord PingAddress A performance test suite for pastry.
RegrTestApp RegrTestApp A regression test suite for pastry.
SinglePingTest SinglePingTest A performance test suite for pastry.


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