ePOST API | |||||||||
Uses of Environment in rice |
Methods in rice with parameters of type Environment | |
java.lang.Object |
Continuation.ExternalContinuationRunnable.invoke(Environment env)
Constructors in rice with parameters of type Environment | |
Continuation.ListenerContinuation(java.lang.String name,
Environment env)
Constructor which takes in a name |
Uses of Environment in rice.email.proxy.dns |
Constructors in rice.email.proxy.dns with parameters of type Environment | |
DnsServiceImpl(Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.email.proxy.imap |
Methods in rice.email.proxy.imap that return Environment | |
Environment |
returns the environment |
Environment |
Constructors in rice.email.proxy.imap with parameters of type Environment | |
ImapConnection(Quittable handler,
java.net.Socket sock,
Environment env)
ImapServerImpl(java.net.InetAddress bindAddress,
int port,
EmailService email,
UserManager manager,
boolean gateway,
boolean acceptNonLocal,
Environment env)
ImapState(UserManager man,
Workspace workspace,
Environment env)
NonBlockingImapServerImpl(java.net.InetAddress bindAddress,
int port,
EmailService email,
UserManager manager,
boolean gateway,
boolean acceptNonLocal,
Environment env)
SSLImapServerImpl(java.net.InetAddress localHost,
int port,
EmailService email,
UserManager manager,
boolean gateway,
boolean acceptNonLocal,
java.lang.String keystore,
java.lang.String password,
Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.email.proxy.imap.commands |
Constructors in rice.email.proxy.imap.commands with parameters of type Environment | |
FetchCommand(boolean isUID,
Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.email.proxy.imap.parser.antlr |
Methods in rice.email.proxy.imap.parser.antlr with parameters of type Environment | |
void |
ImapCommandParser.setEnvironment(Environment env)
Constructors in rice.email.proxy.imap.parser.antlr with parameters of type Environment | |
ImapLineParser(Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.email.proxy.mail |
Methods in rice.email.proxy.mail with parameters of type Environment | |
void |
MovingMessage.readDotTerminatedContent(SmtpConnection conn,
Environment env)
Reads the contents of the stream until <CRLF>.<CRLF> is encountered. |
boolean |
MovingMessage.readDotTerminatedContent(java.lang.String line,
Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.email.proxy.mailbox.filebox |
Constructors in rice.email.proxy.mailbox.filebox with parameters of type Environment | |
FileMailbox(java.io.File folder,
Environment env)
FileMailboxManager(java.io.File base,
Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.email.proxy.mailbox.postbox |
Methods in rice.email.proxy.mailbox.postbox with parameters of type Environment | |
protected static PostUserAddress[] |
PostMessage.getAddresses(MimeParser parser,
java.lang.String field,
Environment env)
static Email |
PostMessage.parseEmail(java.net.InetAddress local,
java.net.InetAddress remote,
PostEntityAddress[] addresses,
Resource content,
Environment env)
static Email |
PostMessage.parseEmail(java.net.InetAddress local,
java.net.InetAddress remote,
PostEntityAddress[] recipients,
Resource content,
PostEntityAddress address,
Environment env)
static Email |
PostMessage.parseEmail(java.net.InetAddress local,
java.net.InetAddress remote,
Resource content,
Environment env)
static javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage |
PostMessage.processEmailMessagePartSpecial(EmailMessagePart part,
Environment env)
Constructors in rice.email.proxy.mailbox.postbox with parameters of type Environment | |
PostMailbox(EmailService email,
Folder root,
Environment env)
Constructs a PostMailbox given an emailservice to run off of. |
PostMailboxManager(EmailService email,
Folder folder,
Environment env)
Constructs a PostMailbox given an emailservice to run off of. |
Uses of Environment in rice.email.proxy.pop3 |
Methods in rice.email.proxy.pop3 that return Environment | |
Environment |
Constructors in rice.email.proxy.pop3 with parameters of type Environment | |
NonBlockingPop3ServerImpl(java.net.InetAddress localHost,
int port,
EmailService email,
UserManager manager,
boolean gateway,
boolean acceptNonLocal,
Environment env)
Pop3Connection(Pop3Handler handler,
java.net.Socket socket,
Environment env)
Pop3Handler(java.net.InetAddress localHost,
Pop3CommandRegistry registry,
UserManager manager,
Environment env)
Pop3ServerImpl(java.net.InetAddress localHost,
int port,
EmailService email,
UserManager manager,
boolean gateway,
boolean acceptNonLocal,
Environment env)
SSLPop3ServerImpl(java.net.InetAddress localHost,
int port,
EmailService email,
UserManager manager,
boolean gateway,
boolean acceptNonLocal,
java.lang.String keystore,
java.lang.String password,
Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.email.proxy.pop3.commands |
Methods in rice.email.proxy.pop3.commands with parameters of type Environment | |
void |
Pop3CommandRegistry.load(Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.email.proxy.smtp |
Methods in rice.email.proxy.smtp that return Environment | |
Environment |
Environment |
Environment |
Environment |
Constructors in rice.email.proxy.smtp with parameters of type Environment | |
NonBlockingSmtpServerImpl(java.net.InetAddress localHost,
int port,
EmailService email,
boolean gateway,
PostEntityAddress address,
boolean acceptNonLocal,
boolean authenticate,
UserManager userManager,
java.lang.String server,
Environment env)
SmtpServerImpl(java.net.InetAddress localHost,
int port,
EmailService email,
boolean gateway,
PostEntityAddress address,
boolean acceptNonLocal,
boolean authenticate,
UserManager userManager,
java.lang.String server,
Environment env)
SmtpState(Workspace workspace,
UserManager manager,
Environment env)
SSLSmtpServerImpl(java.net.InetAddress localHost,
int port,
EmailService email,
boolean gateway,
PostEntityAddress address,
boolean acceptNonLocal,
boolean authenticate,
UserManager userManager,
java.lang.String keystore,
java.lang.String password,
java.lang.String server,
Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.email.proxy.smtp.client |
Constructors in rice.email.proxy.smtp.client with parameters of type Environment | |
SmtpClient(java.lang.String host,
Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.email.proxy.smtp.manager |
Fields in rice.email.proxy.smtp.manager declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
Constructors in rice.email.proxy.smtp.manager with parameters of type Environment | |
SimpleManager(EmailService email,
boolean gateway,
PostEntityAddress address,
java.lang.String server,
Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.email.proxy.web |
Fields in rice.email.proxy.web declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
protected Environment |
protected Environment |
Methods in rice.email.proxy.web that return Environment | |
Environment |
Environment |
Constructors in rice.email.proxy.web with parameters of type Environment | |
WebConnection(WebHandler handler,
java.net.Socket socket,
Environment env)
WebHandler(UserManager userManager,
Workspace workspace,
WebState state,
Environment env)
WebServerImpl(int port,
EmailService email,
UserManager manager,
Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.environment |
Methods in rice.environment that return Environment | |
static Environment |
Uses of Environment in rice.environment.logging |
Constructors in rice.environment.logging with parameters of type Environment | |
LogOutputStream(Environment env,
int level)
Constructs a LogOutputStream |
LogOutputStream(Environment env,
int level,
java.lang.String instance)
Constructs a LogOutputStream |
Uses of Environment in rice.p2p.aggregation |
Fields in rice.p2p.aggregation declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
Methods in rice.p2p.aggregation that return Environment | |
Environment |
Constructors in rice.p2p.aggregation with parameters of type Environment | |
AggregateList(java.lang.String configFileName,
java.lang.String label,
IdFactory factory,
boolean loggingEnabled,
java.lang.String instance,
Environment env)
AggregationStatistics(int histoLength,
long granularityArg,
Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.p2p.commonapi |
Methods in rice.p2p.commonapi that return Environment | |
Environment |
Returns the environment. |
Environment |
Returns the environment. |
Uses of Environment in rice.p2p.commonapi.testing |
Fields in rice.p2p.commonapi.testing declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
Methods in rice.p2p.commonapi.testing that return Environment | |
protected static Environment |
CommonAPITest.parseArgs(java.lang.String[] args)
process command line args |
Constructors in rice.p2p.commonapi.testing with parameters of type Environment | |
CommonAPITest(Environment env)
Constructor, which takes no arguments and sets up the factories in preparation for node creation. |
Uses of Environment in rice.p2p.glacier |
Constructors in rice.p2p.glacier with parameters of type Environment | |
ErasureCodec(int _numFragments,
int _numSurvivors,
Environment env)
Constructor for ErasureCodec. |
Uses of Environment in rice.p2p.glacier.v2 |
Fields in rice.p2p.glacier.v2 declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
Environment |
Methods in rice.p2p.glacier.v2 that return Environment | |
Environment |
Constructors in rice.p2p.glacier.v2 with parameters of type Environment | |
GlacierDefaultPolicy(ErasureCodec codec,
java.lang.String instance,
Environment env)
GlacierStatistics(int numTags,
Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.p2p.multiring |
Fields in rice.p2p.multiring declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
The environment |
Methods in rice.p2p.multiring that return Environment | |
Environment |
Environment |
Getter for the environment. |
Uses of Environment in rice.p2p.multiring.testing |
Fields in rice.p2p.multiring.testing declared as Environment | |
Environment |
Constructors in rice.p2p.multiring.testing with parameters of type Environment | |
MultiringRegrTest(Environment env)
Constructor, which takes no arguments and sets up the factories in preparation for node creation. |
Uses of Environment in rice.p2p.past |
Fields in rice.p2p.past declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
Methods in rice.p2p.past that return Environment | |
Environment |
Environment |
Uses of Environment in rice.p2p.past.gc |
Methods in rice.p2p.past.gc that return Environment | |
Environment |
Environment |
Uses of Environment in rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging |
Methods in rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging with parameters of type Environment | |
void |
GCCollectMessage.returnResponse(Continuation c,
Environment env,
java.lang.String instance)
Method by which this message is supposed to return it's response - in this case, it lets the continuation know that a the message was lost via the receiveException method. |
Uses of Environment in rice.p2p.past.messaging |
Methods in rice.p2p.past.messaging with parameters of type Environment | |
void |
CacheMessage.returnResponse(Continuation c,
Environment env,
java.lang.String instance)
Method by which this message is supposed to return it's response. |
void |
ContinuationMessage.returnResponse(Continuation c,
Environment env,
java.lang.String instance)
Method by which this message is supposed to return it's response. |
void |
MessageLostMessage.returnResponse(Continuation c,
Environment env,
java.lang.String instance)
Method by which this message is supposed to return it's response - in this case, it lets the continuation know that a the message was lost via the receiveException method. |
abstract void |
PastMessage.returnResponse(Continuation c,
Environment env,
java.lang.String instance)
Method by which this message is supposed to return it's response. |
Uses of Environment in rice.p2p.past.testing |
Constructors in rice.p2p.past.testing with parameters of type Environment | |
DistPastTest(int bindport,
java.net.InetSocketAddress bootaddress,
Environment env,
int numNodes)
DistPastTestContent(Environment env,
IdFactory idf,
java.lang.String content)
PastRegrTest(Environment env)
Constructor which sets up all local variables |
Uses of Environment in rice.p2p.replication.manager |
Fields in rice.p2p.replication.manager declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
Uses of Environment in rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing |
Constructors in rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing with parameters of type Environment | |
ReplicationManagerRegrTest(Environment env)
Constructor which sets up all local variables |
Uses of Environment in rice.p2p.replication.testing |
Constructors in rice.p2p.replication.testing with parameters of type Environment | |
ReplicationRegrTest(Environment env)
Constructor which sets up all local variables |
Uses of Environment in rice.p2p.scribe |
Fields in rice.p2p.scribe declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
Methods in rice.p2p.scribe that return Environment | |
Environment |
Environment |
Constructors in rice.p2p.scribe with parameters of type Environment | |
ScribePolicy.DefaultScribePolicy(Environment env)
ScribePolicy.LimitedScribePolicy(int max,
Environment env)
Construtor which takes a maximum number |
Uses of Environment in rice.p2p.scribe.testing |
Constructors in rice.p2p.scribe.testing with parameters of type Environment | |
ScribeRegrTest(Environment env)
Constructor which sets up all local variables |
Uses of Environment in rice.pastry |
Fields in rice.pastry declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
Methods in rice.pastry that return Environment | |
Environment |
Environment |
Constructors in rice.pastry with parameters of type Environment | |
PastryNode(NodeId id,
Environment e)
Constructor, with NodeId. |
PastryNodeFactory(Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.pastry.commonapi |
Methods in rice.pastry.commonapi that return Environment | |
Environment |
Constructors in rice.pastry.commonapi with parameters of type Environment | |
PastryIdFactory(Environment env)
Constructor |
Uses of Environment in rice.pastry.direct |
Methods in rice.pastry.direct that return Environment | |
Environment |
Environment |
Constructors in rice.pastry.direct with parameters of type Environment | |
BasicNetworkSimulator(Environment env)
DirectPastryNode(NodeId id,
NetworkSimulator sim,
Environment e,
NodeRecord nr)
DirectPastryNodeFactory(NodeIdFactory nf,
NetworkSimulator sim,
Environment env)
Main constructor. |
EuclideanNetwork(Environment env)
Constructor. |
GenericNetwork(Environment env)
SphereNetwork(Environment env)
Constructor. |
Uses of Environment in rice.pastry.dist |
Methods in rice.pastry.dist with parameters of type Environment | |
static DistPastryNodeFactory |
DistPastryNodeFactory.getFactory(NodeIdFactory nf,
int protocol,
int port,
Environment env)
Static method which is designed to be used by clients needing a distrubuted pastry node factory. |
Constructors in rice.pastry.dist with parameters of type Environment | |
DistPastryNode(NodeId id,
Environment e)
Constructor, with NodeId. |
DistPastryNodeFactory(Environment env)
Constructor. |
Uses of Environment in rice.pastry.routing |
Constructors in rice.pastry.routing with parameters of type Environment | |
RoutingTable(NodeHandle me,
int max,
int base,
Environment env)
Constructor. |
Uses of Environment in rice.pastry.socket |
Fields in rice.pastry.socket declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
protected Environment |
Methods in rice.pastry.socket with parameters of type Environment | |
static byte[] |
PingManager.addHeader(SourceRoute path,
java.lang.Object data,
EpochInetSocketAddress localAddress,
Environment env,
Logger logger)
Method which adds a header for the provided path to the given data. |
static java.lang.Object |
PingManager.deserialize(byte[] array,
Environment env,
SocketPastryNode spn,
Logger logger)
Method which takes in a ByteBuffer read from a datagram, and deserializes the contained object. |
static byte[] |
PingManager.serialize(java.lang.Object message,
Environment environment,
Logger logger)
Method which serializes a given object into a ByteBuffer, in order to prepare it for writing. |
static java.net.InetSocketAddress |
StubNATHandler.verifyConnection(int timeout,
java.net.InetSocketAddress local,
java.net.InetSocketAddress[] existing,
Environment env,
Logger logger)
Method which can be used to test the connectivity contstrains of the local node. |
Constructors in rice.pastry.socket with parameters of type Environment | |
SocketChannelReader(Environment env,
SourceRoute path)
SocketChannelWriter(Environment env,
SourceRoute path)
SocketNATHandler(Environment env,
java.net.InetSocketAddress localAddress,
java.net.InetSocketAddress proxyAddress)
SocketPastryNode(NodeId id,
Environment e)
Constructor |
SocketPastryNodeFactory(NodeIdFactory nf,
java.net.InetAddress bindAddress,
int startPort,
Environment env)
Constructor. |
SocketPastryNodeFactory(NodeIdFactory nf,
int startPort,
Environment env)
StubNATHandler(Environment env,
java.net.InetSocketAddress localAddress,
java.net.InetSocketAddress proxyAddress)
Uses of Environment in rice.pastry.standard |
Fields in rice.pastry.standard declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
Constructors in rice.pastry.standard with parameters of type Environment | |
CertifiedNodeIdFactory(java.net.InetAddress localIP,
int port,
Environment env)
Constructor. |
IPNodeIdFactory(java.net.InetAddress localIP,
int port,
Environment env)
Constructor. |
RandomNodeIdFactory(Environment env)
Constructor. |
StandardAddress(java.lang.Class c,
java.lang.String instance,
Environment env)
StandardRouteSetProtocol(NodeHandle lh,
PastrySecurityManager sm,
RoutingTable rt,
Environment env)
Constructor. |
Uses of Environment in rice.pastry.testing |
Fields in rice.pastry.testing declared as Environment | |
Environment |
protected Environment |
protected Environment |
Constructors in rice.pastry.testing with parameters of type Environment | |
DistHelloWorld(Environment env)
Constructor |
DistPastryRegrTest(Environment env)
HelloWorld(Environment env)
Constructor |
PastryNetworkTest(Environment env,
SocketPastryNodeFactory factory,
java.net.InetSocketAddress bootstrap)
PastryRegrTest(Environment env)
constructor |
PastryTest(Environment env)
SinglePingTest(TestRecord tr,
Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.persistence |
Fields in rice.persistence declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
Constructors in rice.persistence with parameters of type Environment | |
LRUCache(Storage storage,
int maximumSize,
Environment env)
Builds a LRU cache given a storage object to store the cached data in and a maximum cache size. |
PersistentStorage(IdFactory factory,
java.lang.String rootDir,
long size,
Environment env)
Builds a PersistentStorage given a root directory in which to persist the data. |
PersistentStorage(IdFactory factory,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String rootDir,
long size,
boolean index,
Environment env)
Builds a PersistentStorage given and an instance name and a root directoy in which to persist the data. |
PersistentStorage(IdFactory factory,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String rootDir,
long size,
Environment env)
Builds a PersistentStorage given and an instance name and a root directoy in which to persist the data. |
Uses of Environment in rice.persistence.testing |
Fields in rice.persistence.testing declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
Constructors in rice.persistence.testing with parameters of type Environment | |
LRUCacheTest(Environment env)
Builds a MemoryStorageTest |
MemoryStorageTest(boolean store,
Environment env)
Builds a MemoryMemoryStorageTest |
PersistentStorageTest(boolean store,
Environment environment)
Builds a MemoryStorageTest |
Test(Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.post |
Fields in rice.post declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
The Environment. |
Methods in rice.post that return Environment | |
Environment |
Get the rice.environment.Environment. |
Environment |
Methods in rice.post with parameters of type Environment | |
protected static Id |
PostEntityAddress.getId(IdFactory factory,
java.lang.String string,
Environment env)
Utility method for creating the nodeId associated with a specific string. |
Constructors in rice.post with parameters of type Environment | |
PostGroupAddress(IdFactory factory,
java.lang.String name,
Environment env)
Constructor |
PostUserAddress(IdFactory factory,
java.lang.String name,
Environment env)
Constructor |
Uses of Environment in rice.post.delivery |
Fields in rice.post.delivery declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
Uses of Environment in rice.post.proxy |
Fields in rice.post.proxy declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
protected Environment |
Methods in rice.post.proxy with parameters of type Environment | |
protected void |
PostProxy.startGlobalMultiringNode(Environment env)
Method which starts up the global multiring node service |
Constructors in rice.post.proxy with parameters of type Environment | |
ConfigurationFrame(Environment env,
PostProxy proxy)
NetworkLogUploadThread(java.net.InetAddress localHost,
int port,
java.security.PublicKey key,
java.net.InetSocketAddress server,
Environment env)
PostProxy.LivenessKeyHandler(Environment env,
java.nio.channels.Pipe.SourceChannel source,
java.nio.channels.Pipe.SinkChannel sink)
PostProxy.LivenessThread(Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.post.storage |
Methods in rice.post.storage with parameters of type Environment | |
static void |
StorageService.recoverLogs(Id location,
long timestamp,
java.security.KeyPair keyPair,
Past immutablePast,
Past mutablePast,
Continuation command,
Environment env,
Logger logger)
This method performs an emergency recovery of the logs by reinserting them into the provided PAST store. |
Uses of Environment in rice.proxy |
Fields in rice.proxy declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
Constructors in rice.proxy with parameters of type Environment | |
Proxy(Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.selector.testing |
Fields in rice.selector.testing declared as Environment | |
static Environment |
Uses of Environment in rice.tutorial.lesson1 |
Constructors in rice.tutorial.lesson1 with parameters of type Environment | |
DistTutorial(int bindport,
java.net.InetSocketAddress bootaddress,
Environment env)
This constructor sets up a PastryNode. |
Uses of Environment in rice.tutorial.lesson3 |
Constructors in rice.tutorial.lesson3 with parameters of type Environment | |
DistTutorial(int bindport,
java.net.InetSocketAddress bootaddress,
Environment env)
This constructor sets up a PastryNode. |
Uses of Environment in rice.tutorial.lesson4 |
Constructors in rice.tutorial.lesson4 with parameters of type Environment | |
DistTutorial(int bindport,
java.net.InetSocketAddress bootaddress,
int numNodes,
Environment env)
This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes. |
Uses of Environment in rice.tutorial.lesson5 |
Fields in rice.tutorial.lesson5 declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
Constructors in rice.tutorial.lesson5 with parameters of type Environment | |
DistTutorial(int bindport,
java.net.InetSocketAddress bootaddress,
Environment env)
This constructor sets up a PastryNode. |
Uses of Environment in rice.tutorial.lesson6 |
Constructors in rice.tutorial.lesson6 with parameters of type Environment | |
ScribeTutorial(int bindport,
java.net.InetSocketAddress bootaddress,
int numNodes,
Environment env)
Based on the rice.tutorial.lesson4.DistTutorial This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes. |
Uses of Environment in rice.tutorial.lesson7 |
Constructors in rice.tutorial.lesson7 with parameters of type Environment | |
PastTutorial(int bindport,
java.net.InetSocketAddress bootaddress,
int numNodes,
Environment env)
Based on the rice.tutorial.lesson6.ScribeTutorial This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes. |
Uses of Environment in rice.visualization |
Fields in rice.visualization declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
protected Environment |
Methods in rice.visualization that return Environment | |
Environment |
Constructors in rice.visualization with parameters of type Environment | |
LocalVisualization(DistNodeHandle handle,
Environment env)
Visualization(Ring[] bootstrapNodes,
Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.visualization.client |
Fields in rice.visualization.client declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
Methods in rice.visualization.client with parameters of type Environment | |
void |
FileMessage.readFile(Environment env)
Constructors in rice.visualization.client with parameters of type Environment | |
UpdateJarRequest(java.io.File[] files,
Environment env)
VisualizationClient(java.security.PrivateKey key,
java.net.InetSocketAddress address,
Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.visualization.proxy |
Fields in rice.visualization.proxy declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
Constructors in rice.visualization.proxy with parameters of type Environment | |
VisualizationProxy(java.lang.String[] args,
Environment env)
Uses of Environment in rice.visualization.server |
Fields in rice.visualization.server declared as Environment | |
protected Environment |
protected Environment |
protected Environment |
Constructors in rice.visualization.server with parameters of type Environment | |
FileCommandHandler(Environment env)
MultiPersistencePanelCreator(Environment env,
java.lang.String[] names,
StorageManagerImpl[] storages)
NetworkActivityPanelCreator(Environment env)
OverviewPanelCreator(Environment env)
PersistencePanelCreator(Environment env,
java.lang.String name,
StorageManagerImpl storage)
QueuePanelCreator(Environment env,
ProcessingQueue processingQ,
WorkQueue persistenceQ)
VisualizationServer(java.net.InetSocketAddress address,
PastryNode node,
StorageManager storage,
RingCertificate cert,
java.lang.Object[] objects,
Environment env)
ePOST API | |||||||||