Uses of Interface

Packages that use Address

Uses of Address in rice.pastry

Methods in rice.pastry with parameters of type Address
 void PastryNode.registerReceiver(Credentials cred, Address address, MessageReceiver receiver)
          Registers a message receiver with this Pastry node.

Uses of Address in rice.pastry.client

Fields in rice.pastry.client declared as Address
protected  Address PastryAppl.address

Methods in rice.pastry.client that return Address
 Address PastryAppl.getAddress()
          Returns the address of this application.

Methods in rice.pastry.client with parameters of type Address
 void PastryAppl.registerReceiver(Credentials cred, Address addr, MessageReceiver mr)
          Registers a message receiver with the pastry node.

Constructors in rice.pastry.client with parameters of type Address
PastryAppl(PastryNode pn, java.lang.String instance, Address address)

Uses of Address in rice.pastry.commonapi

Constructors in rice.pastry.commonapi with parameters of type Address
PastryEndpointMessage(Address address, Message message, NodeHandle sender)

Uses of Address in

Methods in with parameters of type Address
 boolean DirectSecurityManager.verifyAddressBinding(Credentials cred, Address addr)
          Checks to see if these credentials can be associated with the address.

Uses of Address in rice.pastry.join

Classes in rice.pastry.join that implement Address
 class JoinAddress
          The address of the join receiver at a pastry node.

Uses of Address in rice.pastry.leafset

Classes in rice.pastry.leafset that implement Address
 class LeafSetProtocolAddress
          The address of the leafset protocol at a pastry node.

Uses of Address in rice.pastry.messaging

Methods in rice.pastry.messaging that return Address
 Address Message.getDestination()
          Gets the address of message receiver that the message is for.

Methods in rice.pastry.messaging with parameters of type Address
protected  void MessageDispatch.deliverBuffered(Address address)
          Deliveres all buffered messages for the address.
 MessageReceiver MessageDispatch.getDestinationByAddress(Address addr)
 void MessageDispatch.registerReceiver(Address address, MessageReceiver receiver)
          Registers a receiver with the mail service.

Constructors in rice.pastry.messaging with parameters of type Address
Message(Address dest)
Message(Address dest, Credentials cred)
Message(Address dest, Credentials cred, java.util.Date timestamp)
Message(Address dest, java.util.Date timestamp)

Uses of Address in rice.pastry.routing

Classes in rice.pastry.routing that implement Address
 class RouteProtocolAddress
          The address of the route protocol at a pastry node.
 class RouterAddress
          The address of the router at a pastry node.

Methods in rice.pastry.routing that return Address
 Address RouteMessage.getDestination()
          Get receiver address.

Constructors in rice.pastry.routing with parameters of type Address
RouteMessage(Id target, Message msg, Credentials cred, Address aux)
RouteMessage(Id target, Message msg, Credentials cred, SendOptions opts, Address aux)
RouteMessage(Id target, Message msg, NodeHandle firstHop, Address aux)
RouteMessage(NodeHandle dest, Message msg, Credentials cred, SendOptions opts, Address aux)

Uses of Address in

Methods in with parameters of type Address
 boolean PastrySecurityManager.verifyAddressBinding(Credentials cred, Address addr)
          Checks to see if these credentials can be associated with the address.
 boolean PermissiveSecurityManager.verifyAddressBinding(Credentials cred, Address addr)

Uses of Address in rice.pastry.socket

Methods in rice.pastry.socket with parameters of type Address
 boolean SocketPastrySecurityManager.verifyAddressBinding(Credentials cred, Address addr)
          Checks to see if these credentials can be associated with the address.

Uses of Address in rice.pastry.standard

Classes in rice.pastry.standard that implement Address
 class StandardAddress
          Constructs an address for a specific class and instance name.

Methods in rice.pastry.standard that return Address
 Address PeriodicLeafSetProtocol.getAddress()
          Get address.
 Address StandardJoinProtocol.getAddress()
          Get address.
 Address StandardLeafSetProtocol.getAddress()
          Gets the address.
 Address StandardRouteSetProtocol.getAddress()
          Gets the address.
 Address StandardRouter.getAddress()
          Gets the address of this component.

Constructors in rice.pastry.standard with parameters of type Address
ConsistentJoinMsg(Address addr, LeafSet ls, java.util.HashSet failed, boolean request)

Uses of Address in rice.pastry.testing

Classes in rice.pastry.testing that implement Address
 class PingAddress
          PingAddress A performance test suite for pastry.

Methods in rice.pastry.testing that return Address
 Address HelloWorldApp.getAddress()
          Get address.
 Address Ping.getAddress()
 Address PingClient.getAddress()
 Address RegrTestApp.getAddress()

Constructors in rice.pastry.testing with parameters of type Address
HelloMsg(Address addr, NodeHandle src, Id tgt, int mid)
PingMessageNew(Address pingAddress, NodeHandle src, NodeId tgt)


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